Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Birch tree collage

First grade created these beautiful collages.  They practiced cutting without lines, glueing so the paper ACTUALLY sticks and using permanent marker to make delicate lines to make realistic birch trees.  The final touch was with chalk which created the snowflakes.

Triangle fox

This was a one day, make & take project that challenged the minds of the third grade.  The entire piece was created from triangles, the only pieces pre made for them were the orange and white shapes that made the fox. However, the tricky part was that they were not labeled so each student had to create the animal by looking at the sample and playing around with the cut shapes.  They came out great!

Observation drawing

We spent a considerable amount of time talking about the shapes they see and simplifying what they see in order to accomplish this project.  They did a wonderful job observing shapes and getting it on paper.  Take a look!


Grade 4 created foam plate "fall" designs and made prints.  They are stunning!  Take a look at some of the process and finished pieces.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I'm baaaaack!!!

My first two days back were amazing!  I was greeted with many, many smiles and a lot of questions about my daughter.  It was wonderful!  It really made coming back to work easy- and of course I'm so very thankful that I love what I do!!!
As for the happenings in my art room:
I am currently finishing up some lessons that my sub, Mrs. Cossingham had started and then we will be into winter art in the next few weeks.  Stay tuned for pictures and posts!!