Sunday, January 25, 2015

Shape cats

Grade 1 spent two classes working on these beauties.  This was a step-by-step drawing to get the basic shape down, and they had the opportunity to add their own creative touches to it (such as a wild collar and a funky shapes on the body of the cat).  Take a look at them working away.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Take 25 Poster Contest -4th & 5th grade


Grades 4 & 5 Take 25 Poster Contest-COMING UP!

Just yesterday, Officer Katie from the NAPD came in to Franklin to speak with our 4th and 5th grade students about safety.  Each grade came up with all different types of safety concerns and how it could be handled.  After February vacation, the 4th and 5th grade will participate in a poster contest (completed in art), and they will be submitted for judging at the end of March. 
Take 25 is an organization that wants adults to take 25 minutes out of a day to discuss safety concerns with their child.  Our Franklin students came up with wonderful ideas, so stay tuned for a few images of your child working.  

-Mrs. Rivera
Here are a few finished posters.  The topics range from environmental safety, drugs and alcohol, gun safety to texting and driving.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kindergarden learns about primary colors

Kindergarden is learning about primary colors.  They looked at the color wheel and learned what is so special about primary colors.  Many students were amazed to learn the capabilities of primary colors.  
Below, students created a fish, traced with sharpie and then painted in the shapes.   They were able to choose which primary color would fill their fish

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Radial Designs

5th graders are in the process of making these beauties!  Students used rulers for measuring and compasses for mapping out their intricate designs.  All of the design and pattern work on the inside is done mostly by hand to create radial symmetry.  Take a look at a few images of the students work.  I'm very proud of their work!