Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fractured Leaves

Grade 2 is currently working on tracing shapes and using rulers to break up their paper.  They are using oil pastels to color in the spaces. Take a look:

                      My example below:

Tape birch trees

Students apply masking tape to watercolor paper, they were instructed to create a space that shows a foreground, middle ground and background as well as have a horizon line somewhere.  They went in with thin sharpies to outline trees and detail work.  Day 2 consisted of learning how to paint using water colors to layer colors and create shadows below their trees.   Day 3, is the big reveal!!!  They get to lift the tape off the paper and use sharpie to add texture.   Voila!  More pics to come

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Self Portraiture & Adjectives!

Inspired by my visit to the Peabody Essex Museum

Take a look at my 3rd grade students drawing, thinking about proportion, and using adjectives that they identify with.

My inspiration for 3rd grade portraits:
The Peabody Essex Museum printed a few samples of art work from students at the Harrington School in Lynn, MA.  These pieces of work were inspired by self portraits they saw while visiting the PEM.   They're beautiful!


Op art

Op art is also known as Optical Art, it's abstract and generally gives the illusion that something is moving, vibrating, swelling or warping.  

Grade 5 worked on their projects over the last two weeks.  They picked a shape, used pencils and rulers to draw it out, then used tempera paint to paint in spaces.  This was a challenging painting for many.  They had to keep the white paper, white and work on keeping their edges clean.  Take a look below at some of the beautiful pieces.
Above: My example