Friday, May 30, 2014

Sunshine + chalk= makes beautiful art

Yesterday's sunshine was calling us outside!  1E spent about 30 minutes creating this beautiful mural.  The class voted on an "ocean" theme.  Take a look at a few of the images along with the class photo.
Even Sponge Bob made an appearance. Typically, he's not allowed in classroom art-however, this class was having SO MUCH FUN creating, I let it slide.

Below, Michael and Jack show off their divers.

They were so proud of their mural!

Nice work, 1E!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

DeCordova Museum visit

Art Show

His years Arts and Academic nght is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21st.  I am currently in the process of mounting and tagging over 700 pieces of art.  

I am looking for a few parent volunteers to assist with hanging on Monday and Tuesday that week.  If you are interested, please email me at:

Thank you!!!