Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jim Dine inspired Valentine Art

Artist Jim Dine is one of my favorite artists and I use MANY of his exemplars around Valentine's day.  Take a look at a few students working on there work.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Leahy School Valentine's Day cards

This year we will be exchanging Valentines with the students at the Leahy School in Lawrence.
 I've taken on this project with the help of many parent volunteers who have donated time and materials to complete the cards.  
Below: kindergarten

Below: grade 1

Below: Grade 3

Below: Grade 2

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Professional Development at the MFA

Today, January 21st, I had the opportunity to explore the MFA as part of professional development.  This is the second time I've been able to do this and I'm SO VERY happy that North Andover allows this to happen. It's always such an experience to visit the museum.  I get to see new works of art and learn about different artists, as well as revisit pieces.  Below are just a few images of my favorites and also a great source of inspiration as I develop new units and lessons for my students.
Above: Picasso "Head of a woman, portrait of Marie Therese Walter) 1934

Below: Piet Mondrian "Composition with Blue, Yellow and Red" 1927  *This is ONE of my favorite artists and I often have 1st graders look at Mondrian and we make a collage inspired by this piece.

Below: Joan Miro "Nuage et Oiseaux (Cloud and birds)" 1927

Above & Below:  Tara Donovan "Untitled" 2003  *This installation is created using foam cups and hot glue. I can't wait to share this piece with my students.  It's astonishing to see such a large installation made from a small, mundane object.

Above:  Gugger Petter "Bolsjer #1" This piece was created using woven paper and hemp. It caught my eye today while walking through. I'm not familiar with the artist, but thought I'd be able to use his work as an exemplar during our weaving unit.

Below:  Sargent

Above:  Grace Hartigan "Murphy" 1962
This piece of work was intriguing to me and I know this could be used as an exemplar for a collage project.  I love how she reassembled the piece to create a new image-this is a great tool to 'rework' a piece of work that simply "is not working".
This is proof that "ART IS EVERYWHERE". I tell my students this ALL THE TIME…they don't believe me that chairs are made my artists. Well boys and girls…here it is!