Sunday, November 24, 2013

Primary color fish

Kindergarten Classes have started their primary color fish paintings recently.  It always amazes me to hear that so many kindergarten children know all about primary colors and why they are so special.  Many are very quick to tell me that they "make all the other colors if you mix them".  Take a look at some of their work.

Relief paper projects

4th graders have been working very hard on their Relief paper sculptures.  A relief sculpture is a type of sculpture where the surface is slightly raised from the back of it. 
Students were told to stick within a color family with the option of using black as an accent.  The guideline for this project was to always be thinking about symmetry and to think about an interesting design. Take a look at some of the students creating their masterpieces.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Grade 5 started their bubble projects.  In class, we talked about overlapping, transparent, spheres, shading
and reflections.  After looking at an exemplar they realized that all the reflections will be located in the same place throughout their artwork. We used compasses to get started and then used construction paper crayons to add color and reflections.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Self portraits

Grade 1 started their annual self portraits today.  They did a marvelous job of Laying out the lines and shapes of their faces.  Take a look at today's work.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Op Art

Op Art is also known as Optical Art.  It's a type of art that creates an illusion for the viewer.  Grade 5 created a shape of their choosing, used rulers to make straight lines and divided their space up to prepare for painting.