Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lowell mills field trip

Today, 4A and 4G visited the mills in Lowell. It was a fantastic day packed with history and hands-on weaving. Both classes had a chance to work on their own weaving using a hand loom. Pictures are below. Most of the photos are of weavings, however there are a few others of the looms used in the mills over 100 years ago.

Monday, April 29, 2013

1M painted butterflies

Objective: Students were instructed to make a symmetrical butterflies using simple shapes. Then they painted them using tempera paints.

Above:  Ajaya R.

Above: Naomi R.

Above: Anthony C.

Above:  Liat

Above:  Alivia D.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Painted ice cream cones

KMS worked hard to complete the 3-layers of ice cream. Cherries & sprinkles were optional! :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

KP spring daffodils

Grade 4 (4W)

Robert Indiana inspired art- LOVE

                                                Above:  Work created by Robert Indiana

Grade 5

5L working hard on their text/shape project.
Students chose an object that was recognizable from its outline. Once drawn on tag board, it's used as a tracer to make a very light outline. The students then fill in the shape using various types of text to create the object.